That's a wheely nice paint job! Reassured that the motor was basically healthy, we tore it down, cleaned it, painted it and threw new rings at it. In the process we discovered that it’s not a 1200. It was once, but it’s been taken out to a whopping 1385cc via bigger pistons and barrels. Score! As the saying goes, “There is no replacement for displacement”. Extra cubes are always good. We also discovered that the valve timing was so far out it would put even the most doped-up trippy hippy to shame. One exhaust valve adjuster was actually screwed back inside the rocker arm. The valve was opening, but only about half a millimetre for five degrees or so. No wonder it ran like a dog! The colour scheme for the mechanical bits was perfectly logical when Richard devised it, but the other members of the team didn’t agree and had to modify it. The original plan was to paint the block and gearbox silver, the engine covers and airfilter black and the heads and barrels left unpainted. The rear suspension arms were to be orange and everything to do with lubrication (oil cap, dipstick and oil filter cover) was red. The alternator, starter motor and rear shocks were green and the pulleys gold. Anything electrical was to be white. And that’s mostly how it came out, with a couple of exceptions. Those of lower socio-economic backgrounds (ie: Steve and Neil) were adamant that red makes things go faster, so they insisted on giving the rocker covers and the distributor cap the crimson treatment in the hope of extracting a few extra ponies from the romping stomping 1385. Well, maybe in their fevered imaginations… no, that’s a truly scary place to even think about visiting! The oil pump was also left unpainted, as it scrubbed up quite well (unlike some of the team members, who don’t scrub up at all!)
Another example of our disregard for basic workshop
safety. The drum is full of race fuel, but wait... it gets worse! Richard
had a big curry the night before and baked beans for breakfast. Workshop
clearers, they were. Some of the paint blistered from the fumes.
Stay Tuned